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Testi Unknown - Collier Laddie > Testi lettera U > Unknown > Unknown - Collier Laddie


I've traveled east and I've traveled west
And I've traveled pure Kirkaldy,
But the bonniest lass that e'er I spied
She was followin' her collier laddie.

cho: Laddie, O, laddie
But the bonniest lass that e'er I spied
She was followin' her collier laddie.
(final 2 lines of chorus change with verse.)

"O whaur live ye my bonnie lass?
Come tell me what they ca' ye. "
"Bonnie Jean Gordon is my name,
And I'm followin' a collier laddie."


"O would ye fancy ane that's black
And you sae fair and gaudy?
O fancy ane o' higher degree,
Than followin' a collier laddie."


"Ye see yon hills the sun shines on,
The sun shines on sae gaudy ;
They a' are mine and they shall be thine,
Gin ye'll leave your collier laddie. "


"Though ye had a' the sun shines on,
And the earth conceals sae lowly,
l wad turn my back on you and it a'
And follow my collier laddie."

Then he has gane to her faither dear,
To her faither gane sae brawly ;
Says: "Will ye gie me your bonnie, bonnie lass
That's followin' a collier laddie?"


"O would she marry a man that's black,
And me sea braw and gaudy?
I'll raise her up to a higher degree
Than followin' a collier laddie."


Her faither then he vowed and swore:
"Though he be black he's bonnie;
She's mair delight in him, I fear,
Than in you wi' a' your money."

"O, I can win my five pennies a day,
And spend't at nicht fu' brawly,
And I'll mak' my bed in the collier's neuk
And lie doon wi' my collier laddie."


"Love for love is the bargain for me,
Though the wee cot-hoose should haud me,
And the world before me to win my breid,
And fare for my collier laddie."


From Songs and Dances of Scotland, Thomson
Note: this, plus the first version ( COLLAD ), go together to make
a fairly complete picture. See also FACTGIRL , for a
similar bit of lower-class snobbishness.
@mine @love @Scots
filename[ COLLAD2
play.exe COLLAD2

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